Winnebago County, Wisconsin

Legal Notice of Public Hearing

          PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Town of Black Wolf Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding a proposed Ordinance that formally adopts the Town of Black Wolf Comprehensive Plan. The public hearing will be held on March 3, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall at located at 380 E Black Wolf Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54902.

         The Ordnance is drafted to formally adopt an updated Comprehensive Plan for the Town. The Comprehensive Plan is a statement of public policy concerning the conservation and development of the Town. The plan provides a guide to where future growth and development should occur over the next 20 years. When the Town makes future decisions concerning land use development, the plan will be consulted. The plan inventories and analyzes the Town’s physical setting, natural features, land use, population figures, economics, housing stock, transportation, and community facilities. Using these inventories and the plan’s goals and strategies, a preferred land use plan for the Town of Back Wolf was developed.

For additional information or to review the proposed ordinance or comprehensive plan, please contact Alex Snyder, Town Clerk at 920.688.1404 or by email at