Ordinances & Zoning
Office hours of Zoning Administrator, Tom Verstegen
- Monday, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – scheduled by appointment. Contact 920-379-3081
The Zoning Ordinances can be printed directly from our website. Open each link and print selected ordinance of choice.
NOTE: Chapter 20-Subdivision and Platting follows the Zoning Ordinances section.
Disclaimer: The agendas, meeting minutes, notices and postings on this site are for convenience purposes only and may not represent the most current version. Therefore, they are not considered the official copy nor should they be considered a legal representation of the official copy. If you require a copy of the official version of one of these documents, please contact the office of record for that document.
Town of Black Wolf Zoning Ordinance (Amended 10/27/01)
Table of Contents:
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. General Provisions Please review amended Section 2.9 on temporary structures Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance, Sec. 2.9(5)(a) Temporary Storage Structures, Portable Storage Structures, Temporary Tents, and Membrane Structures. Oct. 2019
Section 3. Zoning Districts (including chickens)
Section 4. Conditional Uses
Section 5. Traffic and Parking Regulations
Section 6. Modifications
Section 7. Sign Regulations
Section 8. Non-Conforming Uses, Structures and Lots
Section 9. Performance Standards
Section 10. Board of Appeals
Section 11. Changes and Amendments
Section 12 Illicit Discharge and Connection Ordinance
Chapter 20 Subdivision & Platting
Amendments to Zoning Ordinance
Amendment to the Town Zoning Ordinance Regarding Erosion Control and Stormwater.signed.3.11.2024
Town of Black Wolf General Ordinance
All-Terrain and Utility Vehicle Routes
- Ordinance Amending Town of Black Wolf All- Terrain and Utility Terrain Vehicle Route Ordinance 2.8 (a) 2021
- All-Terrain and Utility Terrain Vehicle Route Ordinance 2018
- Link to map https://wcgis3.co.winnebago.wi.us/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=637251aa021445e5af1e728d42145925
Coal Tar and Other High-PAH Sealant Products
Land Division and Road Specifications
- Ordinance Amending Land Division Ordinance No. 2.21.22
- Ordinance Amending Land Division Ordinance – Road Specifications 4.2022
Noxious Weeds
Public Nuisance
Road Access/Culverts
Short-Term Rental Licensing
Solid Waste and Recycling
Temporary Storage Units
Uniform Dwelling Code
Wood Stoves
2022 Notice on Plat Books – The Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation Department, with Mapping Solutions, has announced the release of the recently published Winnebago County Plat Book. This spiral-bound book features the standard landownership map pages showing townships and ranges within the county, including property boundaries for all rural parcels. This updated edition includes a current county government directory page, a county road map, a road index, multiple lake maps, and more.
This information is valuable to anyone interested, particularly those who own land in Winnebago County. Prospective or adjoining property owners, hunters, foresters, farmers, emergency services and many others could benefit from this valuable information.
The 2022 Winnebago County Plat book is available for purchase for $35.00 plus applicable tax at the Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation Department, located at 625 E. County Road Y, Suite 100 in Oshkosh and the Winnebago County Clerk’s Office at 112 Otter Avenue also in Oshkosh.
Those interested can also register for a chance to win a free premium wall map or a SmartMap. For more information, please contact the office at 920-232-1950.
Wall maps, a smart phone friendly SmartMap, and an eBook version are all also available for purchase by visiting www.mappingsolutionsgis.com.